SCF in-person Regional capacity-building workshop in Africa : “Investing in sustainable subnational solutions for climate, nature, and people”
Dates : 14-16 March 2023
Location : Saly, Senegal.
The objective of the regional workshop is to bring together key actors from national and subnational governments, project developers and financial institutions, and to present the SCF initiative, strengthen capacities in the development of projects on key thematic areas of the SCF and share experiences on sustainable finance in the region.
- Day 1, The Sub-National Climate Fund, the Technical Assistance Facility, regional priorities
The SCF team will present a key overview of the Fund and its TA Facility, in addition to its key partners and provide an opportunity for learning and exchange about the regional and local priorities for sustainable investment.
- Day 2, Strengthening capacities for high-impact and high-integrity projects
Sessions that day will enhance the ability of project developers to prepare high-impact and high-integrity proposals fit for SCF by exploring through a financial lens, the investment process for integrating Nature-based-Solutions and some of the case studies to which such have been applied.
- Day 3, Enabling conditions for blended finance and regional opportunities
We will examine the opportunity for policymakers and regulators to afford private actors the optimum environment within which to lead investible climate-smart projects; and invite financial institutions to show-case investment and Technical Assistance prospects, gaps and challenges in the region.
Download the agenda
This workshop is intended for:
- National or sub-national authorities responsible for promoting private sector engagement in climate actions (e.g. subnational governments, representative of mayors, or ministries in charge of public-private-partnership).
- Investors
- Project Developers
- DFIs
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