Côte d’Ivoire

National Context

Côte d’Ivoire is bearing the brunt of the effects of global warming through the degradation of its coasts and the advance of the sea on the continent. Also, the serious floods which each year cause loss of human life and infrastructure damages, the advance of arid zones and the loss of approximately 200,000 hectares of forest per year are expressions of this warming in Côte d’Ivoire. This is why, aware of the risks posed by the impact of these risks on its development, Côte d’Ivoire ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in November 1994. Then, it acceded to the Kyoto Protocol on April 28, 2007 and to the Paris Agreement on October 25, 2016.


Cote d’Ivoire has prepared and submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat, three (03) National Communications (2001, 2010 & 2017 as well as its first Biennial Updated Report (BUR) in 2018. By developing the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, which is the reference document for its development planning, the State has devoted one of the six (06) priority pillars, (pillar 5) to reach an “Effective balanced regional development while preserving the environment and fighting climate change”. This reaffirms Côte d’Ivoire’s desire to raise climate change to the rank of national priority.


In keeping with its commitments to the Paris Agreement, Côte d’Ivoire intends to demonstrate its desire to engage in a low-carbon and climate-resilient development path, through the revision of its National Determined Contributions (NDC) and by raising its ambition which is currently under validation.


Côte d’Ivoire’s revised NDC, as a result of an inclusive and participatory sectoral consultation process, presents a reinforced unconditional ambition to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30.41%, worth a reduction of 37 million tons of CO2-eq from all sectors including forestry and other land uses by 2030. This unconditional contribution is based on the implementation of twenty-six (26) unconditional measures out of the thirty-eight (38) mitigation measures assessed as part of this revision. Côte d’Ivoire could increase its GHG emissions mitigation ambition, provided it receives appropriate levels of international support. Indeed, the inclusion of the twelve (12) additional conditional measures in the implementation could bring the overall GHG mitigation ambition to a reduction of 98.95% of total GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline, committing the country to carbon neutrality from 2030.


With regard to adaptation, it aims to achieve by 2030 a reduction in the vulnerability of the country’s priority sectors: water resources, agriculture, livestock and aquaculture, forestry, land use, health and the most vulnerable environments and ecosystems such as coastal zones.

Country Technical Assistance Needs

Public-private partnerships

  • The promotion of national and international guidelines on PPPs for local authorities and territorial managers.
  • Training on the PPP process: Identification, Preparation, Tender process, Financing, Implementation.
  • Development of expertise at the sub-national level to lead the processes and master this financing tool.


Identification, design and development of impactful and bankable infrastructure projects

  • build the capacity of climate actors on the submission of requests for project ideas to the Climate Technology Center and Networks.
  • strengthen national capacities and knowledge sharing on climate technological solutions.
  • build the capacity of civil society organizations, the academic and financial sectors, the public and private sector to join the network in order to benefit from commercial outlets.
  • strengthen the technical capacities of contributors to the environmental information system in order to better collect environmental data.
  • project cycle, from design to final evaluation, including development communication, the involvement of populations, aspects of environmental and social safeguards including capitalization.
  • training to concretely develop projects and support for submission to counters other than the SCF.


Access to green financing opportunities

  • Support ongoing project ideas for the establishment of a funding mechanism dedicated to local authorities; (i) accreditation for direct financing, support for the mobilization of climate financing for the Local Authorities Loan Fund (FPCL) and making it adapted to the requirements of these different windows to be solicited.
  • Training on access to the various green financing windows.
  • Training of climate actors on concept note models.
  • Training and support for the accreditation of local structures.


MRV process

  • Strengthen climate stakeholders’ capacities in the development of a National MRV strategic plan.
  • Build capacity on the inclusive and appropriate institutional framework for the architecture involving national human capital.
  • Build capacity on the strategy for operationalization and sustainability of the National MRV system on climate change.
Country Climate Investment Opportunities
Waste management and sanitation
  • Implement controlled landfills through the inter-municipal project: Implement twelve (12) managed landfills within the country with a total capacity of 988,500 t/year with biogas recovery by 2030.
  • Implement technical Recovery and Landfill Centers: Implement fourteen (14) CVETs with a total capacity of 3,764,000 t/year, 2 CVETs in Abidjan and 12 CVETs inside the country, with recovery of biogas by 2030.
  • Recover methane from Akouédo and Kossihouen landfills: Recover 46,423 tonnes of methane by 2030.
  • Increase drainage and domestic wastewater management infrastructure: Avoid 3,310 tons of methane by 2030.
  • Promote micro-methanization and composting in waste recovery: Implement biodigesters for waste management in rural areas.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency infrastructure projects
  • Increase the proportion of the population using butane gas and improved stoves: In 2030, 67% of the population uses LPG. In 2030, 20% of the population uses improved biomass stoves.
  • Improve lighting efficiency in the residential sector: 75% reduction in energy intensity for lighting in households by 2030.
  • Eliminate kerosene lamps for lighting in households: No households use kerosene lamps for lighting by 2030.
  • Increase energy efficiency in the residential sector: Increase energy efficiency by 20% in the building sector by 2030 (buildings excluding lighting and cooking).
  • Improve the efficiency of public lighting: 78% reduction in the energy intensity of public lighting by 2030 (corresponding to 100% use of low-consumption bulbs).
  • Improve the efficiency of lighting in the retail sector and public services: 71% reduction in the energy intensity of public lighting by 2030 (corresponding to 100% use of lowenergy light bulbs).
  • Increase energy efficiency in the commercial and public service sector: Increase energy efficiency by 20% in the commercial and public service sector by 2030 (excluding lighting).
  • Increase energy efficiency in the industrial sector: Increase energy efficiency by 20% in the industrial sector by 2030.
  • Increase the energy efficiency of charcoal production kilns: In 2030, 40% of charcoal production will be carried out with kilns with improved energy efficiency.
  • Increase the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power plants: Add solar power generation capacity of 490 MW by 2030.
  • Increase the installed capacity of biomass power plants: Add 311 MW of biomass power generation capacity by 2030.
  • Increase the installed capacity of small hydroelectric plants; Add 29 MW of SSHP generation capacity by 2030.
  • Increase installed capacity of large hydroelectric plants: Add 662 MW of small hydro generation capacity by 2030.
  • Increase the ambition of solar photovoltaic energy: Add additional solar energy production capacity of 410 MW for a total of 900 by 2030.
  • Increase biomass energy ambition: Add additional biomass energy generation capacity of 100 MW for a total of 411 MW by 2030.
  • Reduce transmission and distribution losses: Reduce transmission and distribution losses by 1% per year between 2020 and 2030.
  • Reduce fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas production, processing and distribution: Reduce fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas by 50% by 2030.
  • Increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the car fleet: 10% of the car fleet is electric by 2030.
  • Increase in the ambition of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet: 25% of the vehicle fleet is electric by 2030.
  • Implement the renewal of the vehicle fleet: Implement Euro VI standards by 2030 for passenger cars, taxis and utility vehicles; by 2040 for buses and minibuses; by 2050 for heavy goods vehicles.
  • Introduce low sulfur fuels: Implement ultra-low sulfur fuels by 2024.
  • Promote an innovative mass transport system (ITS): Implement the BRT and Urban Train projects in the city of Abidjan.
  • Promoting More Fuel Efficient Vehicles: Implementing Incentives on the purchase of more economical vehicles (bonus-malus).
Nature-based solutions
  • Reduce deforestation: Reduce the rate of deforestation by 70% in 2030 compared to 2015 levels.
  • Increase reforestation: Convert 3 million hectares of land to forest by 2030.
Regenerative agriculture
  • Reduce the open burning of agricultural residues: Reduce the burning of residues to 15% by 2025, and 10% by 2030 (Reference value 25%).
  • Promote intermittent aeration of permanently flooded rice fields: 50% of rice cultivation practiced by the SRI (Intensive Rice Cultivation System).
  • Promote intermittent aeration of permanently flooded rice fields: 90% of rice cultivation practiced by the SRI (Intensive Rice Cultivation System).
  • Control methane emissions from livestock: Reduce livestock emissions by 30%.
  • Control nitrous oxide emissions from synthetic nitrogen fertilizer: Reduce nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertilization by 30%.
Country SCF Activities
  • Provision of data and information for the country’s SCF profile (14 April 2022)
  • Participation in regional SCF webinars

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