Agriculture/ Aquaculture

    Part 1

    If unknown, enter 0
    Reminder : The expected total capital contribution by the SCF for the project is between 5 to 75 M USD.

    Please name the local authority, GCF Direct Access AE or GCF NDA

    Max 800 characters
    Please include the following elements:
    What’s the problem that the project is trying to solve, what is the current status quo?
    How is the project going to solve the problem?
    Potential risks and challenges of the project?

    Please describe the impact on Climate, Biodiversity, Health, Local Development, Gender, etc. Provide estimated quantification if available.
    More information :

    Max 500 characters

    Max 300 characters
    (please list each key stakeholder and their role in the project)

    Max 500 characters
    Provide your remark about this project, if any

    Part 2

    STAGE 1:Concept Development, Site identification

    Area concerned (in hectares)

    Max 500 characters

    Max 500 characters

    STAGE 2:Pre-Feasibility Studies

    Please upload the document in Part 3

    STAGE 3:Feasibility Studies

    Please upload the document in Part 3

    STAGE 4:Permitting / Financing / Contracts

    Please provide more information (max 200 characters)

    Please provide more information (max 200 characters)

    Please provide more information (max 200 characters)

    Please provide information on the sources of funding: grant, equity or debt, secured or foreseen. (max 200 characters)

    STAGE 5:Engineering / Construction / Commercial Operation

    Please upload the document in Part 3

    Please upload the document in Part 3

    Part 3

    Drag'n Drop file here
    Max file size: 976.56 KB
    Allowed file types: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.png,.jpg
    Min number of file: 1

    Drag'n Drop file here
    Max file size: 200.27 MB
    Allowed file types: .pdf,.doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.png,.jpg

    Part 4

    Contact details

    See eligibility criteria